Monday, November 28, 2011

breaking dawn part 1

something that i've been looking forward to!! i went to see the movie on the first day they show it in malaysia. tq so much to my better half for being such wonderful and sporting company. sighhhh... at last they got married, got a baby girl and bella became vampire... the movie ended so fast lah! can hardly wait for part 2. hmmmm... *berangan mode*

apam gebu

salam ma'alhijrah semua.. long weekend for me. i really enjoyed the break. i went outing with the family to catch some movies. and besides that, i get to spend some quality time in my kitchen to try new recipes i got from the internet. this time i googled for apam. cerita dia macam ni.. weekend haritu pergi orang kawin, rumah jiran kat depan rumah. dalam barkat dia bagi apam. very nicely coloured, gebu, halus texture dia. so i googled to find out how to make those irresistibly yummilicious apam.. ada orang panggil 'apam gebu', ada orang panggil 'apam mekar' & ada jugak orang yang panggil 'apam halus gebu'. macam-macam.... but i prefer to call it 'apam gebu'.

apam gebu

here's the tested recipe. texture apam ni halus, gebu & lembut.

the ingredients:

250g caster sugar (kalau tak suka manis sgt, cut down to 180g-200g)
2 biji telur
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp ovalette
300g superfine flour (i used 'blue key superfine flour')
200ml fresh milk
Food colouring

1) Panaskan kukus
2) Beat telur + gula sampai kembang (approx 8-10 mins)
3) Beat in vanilla
4) Beat in ovalette
5) Beat in tepung & fresh milk selang seli
6) Devide batter into 2 or 3 & letak colourings
7) Kukus 10-15 mins

my kids love it. i love it!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

tartlets, from my kitchen with love

as i mentioned in my earlier post, i am so into pastries now. last weekend i tried to make cheese tarts. googled for the recipe at and i managed to produce these cute little tartlets.

aww... ain't it cute??

the process is not that hard. i enjoyed myself making these little cuties. the cheese filling is not that sweet. i used strawberry jam instead of blueberry bcoz i didn't have blueberry filling at home.

here's the recipe..

Bahan untuk Pastri:
  • 125g butter (salted) - bagi lembut sikit sebelum guna
  • 63g gula icing
  • 250g tepung gandum
  • 1 kuning telur (saiz B)
  • 1/2 sudu teh esen vanila
  • 1 sudu besar air sejuk
Bahan untuk Filling:
  • 250g cream cheese - bagi lembut sikit sebelum pukul
  • 20g butter (salted) - bagi lembut sikit sebelum pukul
  • 60g gula halus/gula castor
  • 1 biji telur (saiz B)
  • Blueberry filling, strawberry filling atau apa2 filling yg digemari secukupnya
Cara-caranya buat pastri:
  • Tepung dan gula campur sekali dan ayak.
  • Masukkan butter dalam tepung dan gula tadi, gaul rata hingga jadi seperti pasir/crumb.
  • Kemudian masukkan kuning telur, esen vanila dan air, gaul sebati hingga jadi doh.
  • Cover dan rehatkan pada suhu bilik selama ~15min sebelum dimasukkan kedalam acuan tart/cupcakes pan.
  • Tidak perlu guna sebarang gris untuk acuan. Pastikan acuan kering untuk elak adunan melekat pada acuan selepas bakar.
  • Bakar pada suhu 180C selama ~20-25min atau hingga sedikit perang shj.
Cara-cara buat filling:
  • Pukul cream cheese, butter dan gula hingga kembang.
  • Masukkan telur, pukul sekejap sahaja ~1-2min bagi telur sebati dgn cheese tadi.
  • Pipekan filling dalam pasteri yang telah dibakar. Bakar lagi pada suhu 180C ~ 6-10min.
Jika saiz besar, lebihkan masa membakar bagi pasteri dan filling.

selamat mencuba!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

sedapnya nyonya tarts!

one of the latest recipes i tried, nyonya pineapple tarts.. yummmehh!

i'm so into pastries lately.. i got this recipe from the internet. credits to kak gee and tq for sharing this recipe. it is super yummeh! the texture of the pastry is not too soft and not too hard. the taste is buttery and it's like melting in your mouth. the pineapple jam is store bought. i got it from a local ingredient shop in melaka called King Hin. it tastes good.. wet & not that sweet. here's the recipe:


50 gm tepung gandum

2 sudu besar tepung jagung

secubit garam

1½ sudu besar gula icing

100 gms butter (pure unsalted butter dipotong dadu)

1 kuning telor

air sejuk (berais)


250gm nenas yg telah disagat

150 gm gula pasir

1 sudu besar jus lemon

cara membuatnya:

masak nenas sampai agak2 pekat baru bubuh gula...masak lagi sampai pekat. kalau suka boleh buh tepung jagung sikit.


Ayak tepung, tepung jagung,garam dan gula ising ke dalam mangkuk besar.

Masukkan butter, ramas perlahan2 guna hujung jari (rub in method).

Bila dah berderai, masukkan kuning telor dan uli.

Kalau perlu, bubuh sedikit air sejuk hingga menjadi doh.

Rehatkan doh dalam fridge kira-kira 25 minit.

Turap kira-kira suku inci dan gunakan acuan tart.

Cepit guna penyepit keliling doh itu dan letakkan kira2 satu sudu jam nenas.

Bakar 10 hingga 15 minit, kepanasan 180 c.

enjoy baking!! :)

kisah petang semalam

kelakar & kesian. semalam haziq merajuk besar dgn aku. sebab? hahaha... begini kisahnya...

semalam around 6pm when i was still at office, mukhriz called.
mukhriz: mama! i got a surprise for you..
mama: what3x?
mukhriz: my teacher told me that i will be pengawas pss next year.
mama: whats pss?
mukhriz: entah?!
mama: (in my head.. agaknya pusat sumber sekolah kot. ok lah tu librarian..) wow! congrats mukhriz. i'm so proud of u.

so lepas tu i took a piece of paper & scribbled some motivational quotes to congratulate him, and i insert 5 bucks in the so-called card.

balik rumah..
mama: mukhriz, this is for you.
mukhriz: (thrilled, excited, happy) YES!! 5 bucks!! tq mama. tq papa.
haziq: why u get money, abang?
mukhriz: bcoz i become pengawas.

aku pun terus masuk bilik for shower. *knock knock knock* on my door..
aku nampak kelibat haziq lari dari living room ke entah mana entah.
mukhriz: mama, haziq said he doesn't love u anymore and he wants a new mama.
mama: (huh?? what the? *blur mode*) Tell him, whatever. go la look foe another mother. (kengkonon nak merajuk kat haziq)
papa: pegi lah pujuk dia. entah2 dia merajuk tu.
mama: merajuk pasal apa pulak?

so aku pun keluar bilik & tanya mukhriz mana haziq. mukhriz kata haziq dalam bilik bibik.
true enough, muka dia masam gila & once dia nampak my face, dia tekap muka dia kat bantal (bantal bibik!) and he cried. pujuk bagai nak rak! dia juz geleng2 kepala bila aku tanya kenapa dia nangis. so aku menggagahkan diri aku, mengangkat haziq si tembamku dengan segala kedrat yang aku ada, bawak dia masuk dalam bilik aku. tanya punya tanya, soal punya soal, dia juz diam tak nak bgtau kenapa dia merajuk besar sampai menangis segala bagai.

mama: (ambik wallet & keluarkan 3 inggit) nah, haziq, this is for you.
*haziq ambik duit tu but still masam muka..
mama: haziq merajuk sebab haziq tak dapat duit eh?
haziq: (nod2x & terus bukak pintu nak keluar bilik)
mama: so haziq nak carik mama lain jugak ke?
haziq: (geleng kepala)
mama: (**!!?/,::*%@#!)