i had a wonderful childhood, being brought up in a wonderful house (sri tanjong) by the seaside.
at the backyard of sri tanjong, there's a huge 'pokok asam' that supplied us asam jawa ever since we stayed there.
i have a big family consists of 8 siblings (7 girls and 1 spoilt brat - jgn marah andy... nanti kena jual kat pajak gantung). my dad is a super lawyer dad, tan sri datuk wira a. nordin. we call him 'apak'. very angry and grumpy looking bugis blood face, but very kind and caring father.
my mom... she bakes, cooks, sews, drives, do gardenings, joins women institutions, etc etc etc... she's a wonder women! i wonder where she stores all those energy! she's always on the run. that's why my mom, puan sri datin wira halijah aji won the Ibu Mithali award last month.. we call her 'mak'. my siblings... all girls are taken, only my lil brother is available and open for dates. anyone interested? handsome jugak dia tu.. boleh tahan macho jugak la.
nope, this was not my wedding day. it was my lil sister, jerd's wedding.. she's now a mother of one cute baby adrian...
now i no longer stay at sri tanjong. i've built my own little happy family and moved to my own little wonderful home. i have 2 adorable kids that i always look forward to go home to everyday after work..
my first born baby is mukhriz, now he's 7. mukhriz is a very gentle boy. he listens to what i tell him to do or to don't do. he likes to play psp (all boys hobby rite?? ok lah tu, it's cyber century what??)
my 2nd baby is haziq, now he's 4. he's the opposite of mukhriz. he's talkative, friendly, rough, cheeky & prone to accidents!! he loves chocolates, any kind of chocolate based food. that explains his rotten teeth, huh??
mama loves you, mukhriz & haziq!
that's a lil bit about my life, and it's a never ending story.
to be continued....
hi bubbleswin,
i pernah dtg skali kat ur house tu with nora at that time n ur mum tought me how to buat kaya n sos cili... n she makes all the frozen food by herself only for her anak2 n cucu2...
she is a wonder woman
hi ellyn,
bila u pernah dtg my house? have we met b4?
yes, mmg my mom suka sgt cooking & baking. and, dia suka sgt org dtg rumah. she'll cook and bake and entertain guests sepenuh jiwanya.. :)
nice blog intro...hope u have fun blogging
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